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Piero Perelli "NOTTE"

His latest solo work, released on march 15 by Stellare and L’Amor Mio Non Muore Records, ranging from the infectiously hypnotic to complex abstractions and sheets of ambience, every step of the way it's an engrossing listen that shouldn't be missed.
When describing the process that underscores his debut LP, Perelli states:
«In “Notte” I explore my instrument as a sonic world, a journey through my emotions as I funnel them into my playing. The force of nature will always be superior to everything. Like an ocean wave that overwhelms and transports you at will, without the storm and rain life would cease to be. Without understanding who you are, happiness cannot come to you.»
After many projects as a band member and freelance musicians, I decided to work on my first solo album “Notte”.
It is a collection of emotions inspired by the night, the moment when the world takes a breathe, nature takes its space back and humans bring out their deepest feelings.
The force of nature will always be superior to everything.
Like an ocean wave that overwhelms you and transports you at will.
Without the storm and rain life would cease to be, without realizing who you are, happiness cannot come to you.

It is a fitting way to enter the controlled sense of chaos and chance that seems to bubble beneath and within each of the album’s nine tracks.
While the pure, unprocessed rhythms of the album's opener, “San Michele”, set the stage for the pulsing journey that unfurls across the album’s two sides, only handful of minutes in, the cycling beats and dub infused delays of “Notte Stellata” reveal that a more complex proposition is in play, which push further toward open abstractions with the writhing textures unleashed by “Santa Cristina” and “Tunnel”, each calling to mind the flowing water so close to Perelli’s musical heart.
As the album progresses, Perelli continues to challenge the categories and perceptions of rhythm itself, threading further subtle interventions throughout more pop infused and ambient compositions like “Lightless”, “Cuore”, and “Bosco”, which introduce a more expanded palettes of instrumentation - piano, organ, lapsteel, etc. “Belgrado” is the only track of the album where appears a voice, of the Scottish singer Emma Morton - as well as throwing a wrench in the cogs with the delicate field-recording oriented piece “Sound of Topanga”.
A deeply intimate and fascinating journey into a multifaceted world of rhythm, drawing on Piero Perelli’s many years of travel and learning, “Notte”.
“Taping, expanding, and challenging the parameters of how we perceive rhythm and percussion, comes “Notte”, the debut solo LP by the Italian journeyman drummer and composer Piero Perelli. Ranging from the infectiously hypnotic to complex abstractions and sheets of ambience, every step of the way it's an engrossing listen that shouldn't be missed.
It’s hard not to love records that are rooted entirely (or almost entirely) in percussion, trance-inducing sounds of drums can often achieve what other instruments cannot, capturing the heart, ears, and mind, entirely on their own. This is certainly the case with “Notte”, the Italian drummer Piero Perelli’s debut LP. Traversing a wide range of experimental territories, from the hypnotically dub infused, to field recording laced textural pieces, to others that insist the contributions of others to incorporate a slightly broader palette of tonality, it’s a brilliant solo debut - from an artist who’s been quietly making waves in the Italian scene for a number of years.”
PRESENTING "NOTTE” live from Mercato Del Carmine. Lucca’s oldest market building.
For this performance I wanted a building with a rich history and stories that permeate the walls.
My concept for performing “NOTTE” is presence in the moment, the pure conversations between the building itself, the energy of the audience and me. In “Notte” I explore my instrument as a sonic world, using my intuition and deep listening I am a channel for what passes through me, free from form.
ENJOY “NOTTE” at Mercato Del Carmine.
Piero Perelli non è solo un batterista di livello internazionale, ma è un esploratore del suono. Un musicista che trasforma in vibrazione e percussione le sensazioni che ha vissuto in determinati luoghi e le restituisce sotto nuova forma all’ascoltatore. Con quelle bacchette è un mago. È come se la batteria, nel suo caso, fosse una finestra affacciata su un mondo che muta. Ci si può emozionare e allo stesso tempo viaggiare
La Nazione
Tecnica mostruosa e a una sensibilità raffinatissima: nelle sue mani le bacchette possono trasformarsi all’improvviso in pennelli e disegnare suoni perfetti e leggeri come miniature. Una versatilità artistica che spazia ovunque
Sentire Ascoltare
Il suo strumento è al centro di tutto, e tutto non può che ruotarvi attorno: l’elettronica, i field recording, i suoni ora desertici, ora fumosi si muovono sulle melodie ipnagogiche del sound del musicista, totalmente immerso nella fisicità della strumento, sempre più in grado di prendersi il centro della scena, anche in un genere in cui spesso è addirittura assente.
Human VS Robots
Working Drummer
Taping, expanding, and challenging the parameters of how we perceive rhythm and percussion, comes “Notte”, the debut solo LP by the Italian journeyman drummer and composer Piero Perelli. Ranging from the infectiously hypnotic to complex abstractions and sheets of ambience, every step of the way it's an engrossing listen that shouldn't be missed.